
4 Ways Artificial Grass Putting Greens Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

4 Ways Artificial Grass Putting Greens Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

When we think of health and fitness, gyms or jogging paths might come to mind. But what if your own backyard could serve as a catalyst for achieving your health goals? With artificial grass putting greens, you’re not only bringing the joy of golf right to your home – you’re also inviting in a plethora of health benefits. 

Let’s dive into four ways synthetic turf putting greens from Artificial Turf by Fenix can help Sacramento and Rocklin residents attain their health goals.

1. Bask in the Sunlight with Your Artificial Grass Lawn

One of the foremost health advantages of spending time on your artificial grass putting green is the vitamin D you receive from sunlight. This vital nutrient, often called the “sunshine vitamin,” plays a critical role in bone health, immune system regulation, and mood stabilization. By practicing your swing or playing a game on your artificial turf, you’re also taking in this essential vitamin, making your lawn both a place for relaxation and health rejuvenation.

2. Get Your Heart Pumping

Although it appears laid-back, golf is excellent for heart health. Walking the greens, carrying the clubs and swinging all contribute to getting your heart rate up. An artificial grass lawn, especially if designed as a putting green, encourages this type of physical activity. Synthetic grass also serves as pet-friendly turf landscaping, allowing even the family dog to join in the fun – further promoting cardiovascular activity for the whole family.

3. Burn Calories and Embrace an Active Lifestyle with Synthetic Turf

Walking to get your golf ball and swinging those clubs can burn more calories than you might think. Fun fact: a game of golf can help you burn up to 1,000 calories! With a backyard synthetic grass putting green, you are constantly reminded and motivated to get up and move. Whether you’re practicing your short game or playing a round with friends, the convenience of having it in your backyard means you can incorporate this fun, calorie-burning activity into your daily routine.

4. Boost Mental Wellness on Your Fake Grass Putting Green

There’s a reason golf is loved by many – it’s as much a mental game as it is physical. Concentration, strategy and precision are essential, making it a great exercise for not only the body but the mind as well. Engaging regularly in this mindful sport on your artificial turf can reduce stress and anxiety and even promote better sleep. Artificial turf, especially those sourced from trusted providers in Sacramento and Rocklin, ensures a smooth game without the distractions of lawn inconsistencies, helping you focus on your game and enhance that mind-muscle connection.

Incorporating artificial grass landscaping into your outdoor space is more than just a design choice; it’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle. From enhancing physical activity to promoting mental wellness, a putting green in your backyard is an absolute game-changer. 

Ready to transform your backyard? Check out the variety of turf installation services and products we offer at Artificial Turf by Fenix by calling us at 916-295-6822, or get in touch with our team to embark on your journey to better health.