
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Installing Your Own Synthetic Turf Putting Green

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Installing Your Own Synthetic Turf Putting Green

Artificial grass putting greens are all the rage in modern landscaping design! These fun-filled additions incentivize kids to get away from their screens and provide a foundation for community bonding. Enjoy conversation and cool drinks around your pristine putting green.

While we recommend trusting an expert synthetic turf installer for your backyard putting green, many DIY homeowners have the skills to do it themselves. However, if you undertake this challenge, you’ll want to avoid a few critical mistakes.

Artificial turf installation can be simple, but a few errors—like misaligned seams or subpar synthetic turf—can impact the lifespan and experience of your putting green. Avoid these top mistakes to guarantee a country-club quality installation for your home course.

Rushing the Foundation

Quality starts from the ground up. A solid foundation is essential to ensuring reliable, accurate ball rolls during gameplay. Rushing this first step risks an uneven or weak base that can lead to your artificial turf putting green shifting over time.

Excavate your lawn to a depth of 3-4 inches, taking care to remove debris, such as weeds, that might create lumps in the foundation. Compact the topsoil with a plate compactor to create a sturdy base, then add and compact a layer of crushed stone.

Ensure each layer is as even as possible to prevent drainage issues or uneven surfaces that will impact gameplay. While compacting, ensure there are no weak or soft spots that might sink during use. A quality foundation equals long-term gameplay satisfaction!

Choosing Subpar Synthetic Turf

The artificial turf products you choose will significantly impact your backyard putting green. High-quality synthetic grass has sturdy but flexible fibers pre-cut to the perfect length to support your ball roll and provide the ideal amount of resistance.

If you choose subpar synthetic grass, you risk fading, matting, fraying, or inconsistent ball rolls that impair putting accuracy. Even worse, low-quality turf won’t survive intense weather or frequent use, making costly repairs or replacements necessary.

High-quality putting green turf is designed to support foot traffic without damage. Choose synthetic grass with a short pile height for maximum stability. At Artificial Turf by Fenix, we have additional features like UV resistance that preserve your lawn’s verdant hues.

Inefficient Drainage

Drainage may not seem like it makes a big difference, especially in hot climates like Sacramento. However, if your lawn can’t drain fluids efficiently, the next heavy rain will flood your yard, promoting mildew growth and attracting pests like mosquitos.

When creating your base, implement a slight slope, roughly one percent gradient. This promotes proper flow throughout your artificial grass lawn. Use a porous aggregate for your base to create a stable foundation without sacrificing drainage.

Efficient drainage keeps your backyard putting green clean, comfortable, and pristine regardless of weather conditions.

Seam Alignment and Edges

Improper seaming can cause a few issues with your artificial putting green. Visible seams create subtle speed bumps, impairing your ball roll and gameplay. Misaligned seams can create the opposite problem—small fissures or holes.

These flaws impair more than your short game. They can also reduce the lifespan of your artificial grass lawn and require costly repairs that are avoidable with proper installation.

Prevent these issues by carefully securing your artificial putting green. We recommend using 6-inch galvanized nails or turf staples every 3-4 inches along the seams. Ensure artificial turf products are pulled taut during this phase to prevent shifting.

Get Help from Pro Artificial Grass Installers

As much as we admire the DIY spirit, trying to install synthetic turf on your own is a common mistake that leads to subpar putting greens. Trusting a professional artificial turf installer guarantees the highest quality while saving you money.

We bring over 15 years of experience and the necessary tools to complete a flawless installation. We’ll measure and cut synthetic grass to perfectly fit your lawn size. We’ll create a sturdy foundation that ensures all piping, electrical, and drainage elements are protected.

Our dedicated professionals know synthetic grass so well that they can complete a picture-perfect job in half the time. We guarantee premium artificial turf products and a meticulous process, saving you time, money, and peace of mind.

Call Artificial Turf by Fenix today at 877-673-8873 or contact us online to create a PGA-quality putting green!