
Utilizing Artificial Turf for Play Areas

Utilizing Artificial Turf for Play Areas

Whether you want a play area for your home, your school district, or your Sacramento municipality, enhanced safety with maintained aesthetic appeal is always going to be the goal. You want your kids to have fun on their jungle gym and stay as safe as possible while doing it. With artificial grass, your kids can have endless playtime while you have peace of mind. Softer, cleaner and safer surfaces are just a few of the numerous benefits of choosing artificial grass for your play area.

Safer Surfaces

One of the biggest reasons why artificial grass is perfect for play areas is because of its safety features. Synthetic turf play systems are specially designed to be safe for kids and protect them from scrapes and falls. We install all of our turf products with an eco-friendly foam padding underneath which is proven to protect children from impact falls and injuries from up to 10 feet high. All of our play area synthetic turf products are IPEMA-certified and meet or exceed all standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials, so you can be confident that your kids are protected at play. 

Cleaner Environment

Our playground installations also feature an antimicrobial infill that prevents bacteria growth and keeps your playground cleaner and more sanitary. Infill acts as a non-toxic, non-absorbent synthetic soil that fills the space between blades. It’s composed of green silicone dioxide granules that are cooler under the sun than black rubber and are more sanitary than silica. They can not only prevent the spread of germs from one child to another, but it can also inhibit pet urine odor and help keep the area sanitary if your home or park contains kids and pets.

Enhanced Appearance & Durability

One reason why many Sacramento homes and businesses choose artificial grass for their playground landscaping is due to its combined durability and visual appeal. It’s just as durable as woodchips or rubber flooring, but with a much more natural and beautiful appearance. You can maintain your lush, green backyard space without needing to incorporate unsightly rubberized landscaping options or sacrificing any of the safety and durability benefits that they offer. Synthetic turf for play areas is specially engineered to withstand high foot traffic and won’t experience any matting, breaking, or discoloration. You can let kids run and play to their heart’s content without worrying about the effect on your outdoor space.

With superior aesthetics, performance, and safety features to real grass, synthetic turf is the natural choice for residential and commercial play areas. With no need for daily watering or regular maintenance, you can save thousands of dollars each year while simultaneously keeping your kids safe and your property beautiful. If you want to get started with artificial grass for your Sacramento playground, call Artificial Turf by Fenix at (877) 673-8873. Our expert team would be happy to work with you and help you create the perfect landscaping solution for your needs.