
Why Synthetic Grass is Perfect for Dog Kennels

Why Synthetic Grass is Perfect for Dog Kennels

For homeowners in Sacramento, artificial turf is becoming more and more popular as a landscaping alternative. But did you know that businesses can also benefit from a synthetic grass lawn? In addition to it being an attractive option for landscaping, synthetic turf is also incredibly useful for pet kennels and doggy daycares. Here are some of the main reasons why more dog kennel facilities are making the switch to synthetic grass landscaping.


Artificial turf is made from highly durable polyethylene materials and woven with triple tuft binding technology, making it almost impossible to pull the turf blades up from their backing. This means that no matter how much the dogs run, play, and roughhouse on it, your grass will remain intact and look beautiful. When properly installed, artificial grass is all but impossible for a dog to dig through, meaning there’ll be no unsightly holes in your backyard. One of the biggest drawbacks of natural grass is that it is easily damaged by dogs going to the bathroom on it. The nitrogen in a dog’s waste can sterilize the soil, killing the grass and leaving ugly brown patches behind. Synthetic grass, on the other hand, doesn’t die, meaning that it will continue to look fresh and green no matter how often dogs relieve themselves on it.


Once the dogs have finished their business, it is very easy to clean up after them. Synthetic turf’s backing is highly durable but permeable, allowing urine to pass through it and drain away from your lawn without issue. You can scoop up solid waste the same as you would on normal grass, and then rinse the area off with water. If unpleasant odors are lingering in your artificial grass lawn, you can easily wash them away with a mixture of water and vinegar or specialized turf cleaning products. 

Pest Prevention

Pet owners know that pests and parasites like fleas and ticks can dwell in natural grass. For kennel owners, outdoor green space can easily be a place for these pests to breed or transfer from dog to dog. Synthetic grass, however, is inhospitable for pests; they have a difficult time living in the blades of synthetic turf, and there’s no soil for them to nest in. Therefore, an artificial turf lawn can greatly reduce the transmission of pests between dogs, keeping your four-legged patrons happy and healthy.


Modern synthetic grass is made with completely non-toxic and lead-free materials. Despite being artificial in nature, synthetic turf is less harmful to pets than natural grass. This is because natural grass needs to be treated with pesticides and fertilizers that can linger on the grass blades and be ingested when dogs chew on them. Synthetic turf never needs to be treated with these chemicals, however, so you will never need to worry about dogs falling ill from chewing on turf. 

If you’re interested in installing artificial grass in your Sacramento dog kennel or other animal care facility, call the professionals at Artificial Turf by Fenix. We’re the local experts on synthetic grass and can pair you with the perfect synthetic grass products for your needs. If you’re interested in receiving a no-obligation estimate, give us a call today at (877) 673-8873.