
Your Guide to Weeds & Artificial Grass

Your Guide to Weeds & Artificial Grass

Sacramento residents love synthetic turf due to its many practical benefits, from its evergreen color to its ability to conserve water. One benefit of artificial grass is that it’s far more weed resistant than a natural grass lawn. However, it is still possible for weeds to occasionally grow on a synthetic turf lawn. When this happens, many turf owners have questions about how this happens and what the proper procedures are for getting rid of them. That’s why we’ve created this guide to weeds and artificial grass for all of our quizzical clients. 

Does artificial grass get weeds?

Although weeds are rare in artificial grass, they do occur. Weeds most often grow around the edge of the turf because the structure of the turf itself makes it extremely difficult for weeds to thrive. With a lack of water access, no soil for nutritional support, and a tightly woven backing that prevents penetration, there are many factors working against the weed seeds and preventing them from growing. However, every once in a great while a weed will manage to take root and grow through a small hole in the perforated backing. It is possible for your synthetic turf to grow weeds, but it is rare that it will do so.

How to prevent weed growth

If your home doesn’t have any pets running around, then installing a weed fabric underneath your synthetic grass lawn is an effective way to prevent any weeds from growing between your turf blades. Weed fabric is designed to prevent weeds from growing by creating an added layer of protection. It’s eco-friendly; UV resistant for sun exposure; and resists mildew, rotting, and insect invasion. However, it isn’t ideal for homes with pets due to pet waste seeping into the fabric and causing odors over time. We also recommend cross-brushing your synthetic turf lawn regularly in order to remove airborne seeds. This is especially important during the summer months when weed seeds are more prevalent than ever.

How to treat existing weeds

If you already have weeds growing in your artificial grass lawn, you may be wondering how to safely and effectively remove them. Pet-friendly weed killers are the best way to kill existing weeds, just like with a natural lawn. Weed killer doesn’t need to be applied often; once or twice a year should be sufficient to keep your lawn clear all year long. You can also spray your lawn with apple cider vinegar to kill seeds that are germinating. Its all-natural, non-toxic formula is safe for kids and pets. Finally, pull any visible weeds that you see, so the weed killer doesn’t leave unsightly, decomposing pieces that interrupt the beauty of your evergreen artificial grass lawn.

Artificial grass creates a beautiful landscape while eliminating laborious routines and exorbitant expenses associated with natural grass lawns. However, the occasional pesky weed can quite literally slip through the cracks. With easy weed control procedures, you don’t need to let a weed or two deter you from enjoying your gorgeous synthetic turf lawn. If you’re a Sacramento resident looking to switch to low-maintenance artificial grass landscaping today, give Artificial Turf by Fenix a call at (877) 673-8873. We would be happy to provide you with a free estimate for your next project.