Why You Deserve a New Artificial Grass Lawn This Christmas

2018 has been quite the year, and since it’s the season for giving, there is no shame in giving a little something to yourself.  You deserve an extravagant gift that will last you for years to come. Here at Artificial Turf by Fenix, we have that perfect gift, an artificial grass lawn. Here’s why.


There is no denying how hard you’ve worked this year. Every day you come home from work, and you’re exhausted, but there’s still chores and tasks to do around the house. Getting an artificial turf lawn will help take some of those chores off your plate, so you can get the break you deserve. With an artificial grass lawn, you won’t ever have to worry about mowing, fertilizing, or watering it. You can come home to an entirely green and luscious synthetic lawn without having done any maintenance on it. No discolorations, no dead spots, no overgrown grass. Sounds dreamy, right?


You’ve just spent a lot of money on gifts for your parents, the in-laws, the kids, and even the pets. You may be thinking to yourself that a good New Year’s Resolution is to save money in the upcoming year. We here at Artificial Grass by Fenix believe that’s a good resolution, and have an idea to save you some money, artificial grass! Say goodbye to that hefty water bill from watering your lawn.


The holiday season also means rainy season here in Rocklin, California. You deserve a clean house unmarred by the mud and mess that rain brings, and artificial grass can help. Protect your carpet and the rest of your home by eliminating the dirt. With an artificial grass installation, the kids and pets can go outside to play with their new toys and return without being a muddy mess!


Christmas Eve and Christmas are your freebie-PTO’s. Do you want to spend the time doing yard work? Your time could be better spent with all your loved ones sipping hot chocolate by the fire and relaxing!

Believe us yet? Artificial Turf by Fenix is here to serve the residents of Rocklin and all of the Greater Sacramento Area, and install the best present of the season, an artificial lawn! Give us a call today to get started on your artificial grass installation at (877) 673-8873.

Your Return on Investment with Artificial Grass

Home improvement projects are always a big deal for any homeowner. It takes a lot of time and money, so it’s important to make sure it’s a good investment. Artificial grass installations are no exception for double checking the value.

Eliminate Costly Maintenance

Artificial turf is low-maintenance and is guaranteed to save homeowner’s money. No more spending on fertilizers, pesticides, or a landscaper to mow the lawn! Additionally, there is no need for an irrigation system or its repairs.

Conserve Water

Because synthetic grass does not require any watering, homeowners can save hundreds of dollars on their water bill. On average, Rocklin residents spend $170 on utilities every month. With an artificial lawn, homeowners could save up to 50% a year on water costs.

Increase Property Value

Artificial grass is guaranteed to help boost the curb appeal of any Rocklin home, therefore increasing the property value. Home buyers are more likely to be interested in houses with a finished yard, and the low-maintenance is a huge plus!

City Rebates

The Placer County Water Agency regulates Rocklin’s water. PCWA offers lawn replacement rebates of $1.00 per square foot for both residential and commercial properties. Learn more about the PCWA Rebate Programs on their website.

Depending on the size of your installation, you can start seeing your money back within the first two years. Artificial grass pays for itself! To maintain a healthy natural lawn, it could cost nine times as much as it would keep an artificial lawn annually. See our cost comparison chart below.

Here at Artificial Turf by Fenix, we are dedicated to bringing high-quality artificial grass installations to the Greater Sacramento Area alongside our exceptional customer service. To learn more about your potential artificial grass ROI or to get started on your synthetic lawn, give us a call today at (877) 673-8873.