
Natural Lawns vs Artificial Grass

Natural Lawns vs Artificial Grass

If you’re tired of working diligently to maintain your lawn only to have it be brown and patchy, allow artificial grass to transform your home. Sacramento residents have made artificial grass an immensely popular landscaping solution in recent years due to its aesthetic appeal and low maintenance requirements. Unlike natural grass lawns, artificial grass stays evergreen and beautiful all year long while saving you hundreds of dollars on water bills and maintenance fees.

Enhanced Curb Appeal

The biggest reason that most homeowners make the switch to artificial grass is for visual appeal. Artificial grass stays lush, evenly colored, and evergreen through any season. Natural grass lawns require almost daily watering in order to stay green, and they can still easily become patchy if they receive high levels of foot traffic. Artificial grass lawns, however, will never lose their color due to maintenance, weather, or heavy use. You can maintain your curb appeal 365 days a year with synthetic turf courtesy of Fenix.

Low Maintenance 

Another major reason that customers switch to artificial grass is to eliminate the time and costs associated with regular maintenance. Natural grass lawns require daily watering, weekly mowing, monthly fertilizing, and seasonal re-sodding. Synthetic grass, however, requires none of this. With artificial grass, you can eliminate your weekly landscaping bill, and your water bill will cost a fraction of what it did with a natural lawn. The only maintenance required for synthetic turf is an occasional rinse down to clear away dust and a monthly cross-brushing. Being able to save dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars on maintenance is more time and money you can spend on yourself and your family.

Weather Resistant

Artificial grass is the perfect landscaping solution for any terrain, weather, or season. Whether you endure blisteringly hot and dry summers, torrential downpours in winter, or both, artificial grass can withstand it all. Our artificial grass products are all installed with an ultra-efficient drainage system that allows over 30 inches of water to drain per hour per square yard. This means that no matter how bad this storm season is, your lawn will remain perfect after it’s over. There’s no need to worry about flooding, mud, or re-sodding; your turf will be completely intact and dry in just a matter of hours. On the other hand, dry summers are nothing to worry about either. Water isn’t required to maintain artificial turf’s evergreen appearance, so lack of rain is even less of a problem than excessive rain. UV inhibitors are built into the grass to prevent color fading in the sunlight, and some products even incorporate TigerCool temperature-control technology.

Great for Kids & Pets

If you have children or pets at home, artificial turf is the perfect solution. Natural grass lawns can become dead and patchy with all of the running around, and dogs can dig mud hole after mud hole, ruining your yard. With artificial grass, these are all worries of the past. Artificial grass has a non-abrasive surface that prevents scrapes and scratches when your kids are playing. Their infill product also replaces the dirt in natural grass lawns, so there’s no more dirty clothes, muddy paws, or digging. Its durability is great for little ones, as they can run and play to their heart’s content without you needing to worry about brown spots. For a family-friendly lawn, switch to artificial grass.

If you’re ready to elevate your Sacramento home and want to make your yard the envy of the neighborhood, call Artificial Turf by Fenix. Our design and installation experts will work closely with you to make your landscaping dreams a reality. Whether you need pet-focused practicality or you want design feature fun, Fenix is here to accommodate your every need. To discuss what options are available to you or to receive a free estimate, give us a call today at (877) 673-8873.